2017 ORDINANCES | |||
16-10-3168 |
1/10/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3812, revising the Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 (first supplemental budget), providing for supplemental appropriations, additional revenues and matters in connection therewith |
16-12-3172 |
1/10/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3812, revising the Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 (second supplemental budget), providing for supplemental appropriations, additional revenues and matters in connection therewith. |
16-09-3167 |
2/14/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 7, Building and Building Regulations, by adding Sec. 7-211, regarding the purchase and installation of culverts and catch basins to unimproved and improved lots. |
17-01-3173 |
2/14/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance approving the final plat for Jones Park Subdivision comprising of 6 lots totaling 4.0549 acres, with dedication of Jones Park Court and sidewalks as a City right-of-way. |
17-01-3174 |
2/14/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance annexing and zoning 4.278 acres of land located along Robert Blvd. between Christian Lane and West Pinewood Drive, from Parish NC-4 to City C-2, as petitioned by First Pentecostal Church. |
17-01-3176 |
2/21/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 6, Animals. |
17-01-3177 |
3/14/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A; Part 4 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements, Section 4.2 to allow pervious surface materials for parking areas and overflow parking areas be constructed of materials other than concrete or asphalt |
17-02-3179 |
3/14/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement and Lease with the Lakeside Swim Club Corporation for the property and facilities located at 497 Cumberland Drive, Slidell, LA |
17-02-3180 |
3/28/17 | Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 11, Section 207, Criminal Code, Begging, Panhandling, Permit Required. |
17-02-3181 |
3/28/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to acquire real property presently known as the Pinewood Country Club, Slidell, Louisiana. |
17-03-3182 |
4/11/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance declaring certain property of the City of Slidell surplus and setting the method of disposing same. |
17-03-3183 |
4/11/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance to amend and extend, for a period of thirty-five (35) years from the effective date of this amendment, Ordinance No. 3646 (adopted March 13, 2012), which ordinance granted a franchise to CLECO POWER, LLC, its successors, and assigns for the construction, maintenance, and operation of electric utilities, electric generating facilities and/or transmission and distribution systems in, through, and across the City of Slidell (�Municipality�), and for the use of the streets, alleys, and public places of said Municipality, in connection therewith, for the generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric energy, and to modify the terms of said franchise granted in Ordinance No. 3646 as hereinafter set forth. |
17-01-3175 |
4/25/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance rescinding and reenacting the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 27, Traffic and Vehicles, Article VII, Parades.REPLACES ORD. 3782 IN ITS ENTIRETY
Amended by Ord. 3873 (changes two night parades to three) |
17-03-3184 |
4/25/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance revoking the unimproved right-of-way known as Alva Street, from its intersection with Old Spanish Trail to the unimproved right-of-way known as Fern Street. |
17-03-3185 |
4/25/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance annexing a certain portion of a water bottom known as Bayou Bonfouca as petitioned by the Office of State Lands, State of Louisiana. |
17-03-3186 |
4/25/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance for the City of Slidell which shall set forth and designate the adjusted millage rates as required by Paragraph B of Section 23, Article VII of the Constitution of Louisiana, for the purpose of maintenance and operation of the Police Department, Garbage Collection, Sewer System, Public Works, General Government, as well as providing for the payment of interest and principal on outstanding general obligation bonds, in said City for the fiscal year 2018. |
17-03-3191 |
4/25/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 21, Personnel, Sec. 21-21 (e), relative to medical and/or dental premium payments. |
17-03-3192 |
4/25/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of not to exceed Eleven Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($11,150,000) of Utilities Revenue Bonds of the City of Slidell, State of Louisiana; prescribing the form, terms and conditions of such bonds and providing for the payment thereof; providing for the sale of such bonds; authorizing an agreement with a paying agent in connection with such bonds; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. |
17-02-3178 |
5/10/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance annexing and zoning 138 Chamale Drive, from Parish A-3 Surburban District to City A-2 Single Family Urban, as petitioned by Lisa Marie and Bruce W. Clement. |
17-03-3187 |
5/10/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | The City of Slidell Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2017-2018. |
17-03-3188 |
5/10/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2, Administration, Section 2-157, Compensation, Mayor. |
17-03-3189 |
5/10/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2, Administration, Section 2-157, Compensation, Police Chief |
17-03-3190 |
5/10/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2, Administration, Section 2-157, Compensation, Council Members. |
17-04-3193 |
5/10/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to acquire real property described as all of Square 39 Pine Park Place Subdivision, Slidell, LA. |
17-05-3194 |
6/13/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance amending Ordinance 3775, establishing a new Classified Pay Plan for the City of Slidell. |
17-05-3195 |
6/13/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance amending Ordinance 3776, establishing a new Unclassified Pay Plan for the City of Slidell. |
17-05-3196 |
6/27/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance rezoning vacant property located along Bayou Lane, from A-8 High Density Urban to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial, as petitioned by Mr. Gary J. Williams and Ms. Marian M. Williams |
17-05-3197 |
6/27/17 | (Newcomb/Abney, by request of Administration) | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3812, revising the Revenue, Expense, and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 (third supplemental budget), providing for supplemental appropriations, additional revenues and matters in connection therewith |
17-06-3198 |
7/11/17 | Cusimano/Harbison by request | An ordinance amending the Lease between City of Slidell (City and/or Lessor) and DSR Restaurant Group, LLC (Lessee) |
17-07-3199 |
8/8/17 | Cusimano/Harbison, by request | An ordinance authorizing the sale of City-owned property described as Lot 10-A, Square 4, Robert Addition, Slidell, Louisiana, and property located at 509 Erlanger Street, Slidell, Louisiana to First United Methodist Church. |
17-09-3200 |
10/10/17 | Cusimano/Harbison, by request | An ordinance amending Ordinance No.: 3855 to increase the maximum number of night rolling Mardi Gras parades from two to three. |
17-09-3201 |
10/10/17 | Cusimano/Harbison, by request | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3862, revising the Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 (first supplemental budget), providing for supplemental appropriations, additional revenues and matters in connection therewith |
17-09-3202 |
10/10/17 | Cusimano/Harbison,by request | An ordinance rezoning a 29.557 acre parcel along Pontchartrain Drive, from C-4 Highway Commercial to A-6 Single Family Residential, as petitioned by First Baptist Church |
17-09-3203 |
10/10/17 | Cusimano/Harbison,by request | An ordinance rezoning 1.662 acres of property located at 1059 Old Spanish Trail, from A-6 Single Family Residential to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial, as petitioned by Cathy McIntosh Martorana |
17-10-3204 |
11/14/17 | Cusimano/Harbison,by request | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 16 Health and Sanitation, Sec 16-24 Lien for cost of cutting by City. |

City of Slidell Municipal Airport Announces Super Bowl LIX...January 28, 2025 - 5:58 pm
Section of Bonfouca Drive to Close Saturday, Feb. 8 for...February 6, 2025 - 4:48 pm
Keep Slidell Beautiful hosts annual Tree Giveaway on Saturday,...May 18, 2020 - 9:13 pm
Slidell City Council Meeting InfoMay 22, 2020 - 8:00 pm
5/26/20 COVID-19 Update 15 – City Offices Reopen to the...May 26, 2020 - 1:24 pm
City of Slidell Municipal Airport Announces Super Bowl LIX...January 28, 2025 - 5:58 pm
Section of Bonfouca Drive to Close Saturday, Feb. 8 for...February 6, 2025 - 4:48 pm
Cindy Strecker Selected as Arts Evening 2025 Poster Art...January 30, 2025 - 2:29 pm
Slidell’s 2025 Parade ScheduleJanuary 21, 2025 - 2:05 pm
annual tree giveaway
Artists of the Year Exhibit
Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Zoning Adjustment. bza
boil water advisory
Boys and Girls Club
Christmas Event
Christmas on Front St.
Christmas Under the Stars
city council
city council meeting
city office closures
Community Development Block Grant
community prayer breakfast
Historic Preservation
Keep Slidell Beautiful
Louisiana Main Street Recovery Program
mardi gras
Mayor's Community Prayer Breakfast
Olde Towne
Olde Towne Preservation District Commission
planning and zoning
planning and zoning commissions
planning and zoning commisssion
Slidell Art League
Slidell Bayou Christmas
Slidell City Council
Slidell City Council Meeting
Slidell Development
Slidell Development Ready Community Town Hall Meeting
state of the city address
town hall meeting
tree giveaway
zoning adjustments
Contact Information
City Hall
2055 Second Street
Slidell, LA 70458
Phone: (985) 646-4332
City Council
2045 Second Street
Slidell, LA 70458
Phone: (985) 646-4307
Slidell Police Department
2112 Sgt Alfred St
Slidell, LA 70458
Phone: 985-643-3131