Civil Service
The mission of the Civil Service Department is to develop and enhance personnel services and programs for the City of Slidell. The department advises and assists employees and management with accurate, timely, and current civil service-related information. The guiding principles of the department are professionalism, integrity, results-oriented action, teamwork, courtesy, and respect for individuals. We are proud of our customer-centered service, with an aim to exceed customer expectations. We support the City Administration, including department directors, by providing information, advice, and assistance concerning all civil service matters.
We provide professional and administrative support to an independent Civil Service Board – representing the interests of all classified employees. The department recommends changes to Civil Service Rules to better serve the needs of the City and its employees.
The City workforce includes full-time and part-time positions. Openings for vacant positions are advertised on the City bulletin board located next to the main entrance of City Hall on Second Street; the bulletin board in the Human Resources office; occasionally in the local newspapers and on our website’s home page. Applications for employment are available online.
If you need to speak with the Director, we recommend making an appointment.