2019 ORDINANCES | |||
18-12-3255 |
1/22/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A Zoning, Part 2: Schedule of District Regulations Adopted by making group homes a conditional use in all residential districts. |
19-01-3256 |
2/26/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin
3/20 Mayor Cormer did not sign, as there are problems with the Ordinance. Bryan Haggerty told Council Office not to publish in official journal. Ord. 3945 rescinds this ordinance. Ord. 3946 replaces this ordinance |
An ordinance granting franchise right and privilege to Atmos Energy (Company), its successors and assigns, for a period of ten (10) years to supply, in such manner and from such sources as Company deems best, natural and/or artificial gas throughout and to the MUNICIPALITY OF SLIDELL, LOUISIANA (Municipality) and the inhabitants thereof or any person, firm or corporation thereof or therein and to acquire or construct, operate and maintain such plants, structures, distribution systems and equipment as may be useful or necessary for the manufacture, transportation, distribution and/or sale of natural and/or artificial gas in and throughout the Municipality, and to lay, operate and maintain mains, pipes, conductors, meters, connections and any and all other appliances useful or necessary for the transportation and/or distribution and/or sale of natural and/or artificial gas, in, over, under, along, upon and across all of the present and/or future streets, roads, highways, alleys and public places of the municipality and to excavate therein for the purpose of laying, repairing, replacing or removing such pipes and appliances, or any portion thereof, and to connect any such main(s) or pipe(s) to any other main(s) or pipe(s) for the purpose of transporting natural and/or artificial gas into, through or beyond the boundaries of the Municipality, and providing for payment by Company, its successors and assigns, or a sum equal to four percent (4%) of the gross receipts of Company from the sale and delivery of natural and/or artificial gas for residential and commercial purposes billed on residential and commercial rates within the limits of Municipality as same may now or hereafter lawfully exist, and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith. |
19-02-3257 |
3/26/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement and Lease of City property consisting of approximately 800 square feet located at 1010 Gause Blvd., Slidell, LA between the City of Slidell and the St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1. |
19-03-3258 |
4/9/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance declaring certain property of the City of Slidell surplus and setting the method of disposing same. |
19-03-3259 |
4/9/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An Ordinance revising the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2, Division 4, Sec. 2-216 Creation of City of Slidell Preservation District. |
19-04-3265 |
4/23/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 11, Criminal Code, relative to state laws as adopted by Ordinance No. 3921 on the 18th day of December 2018. |
19-03-3266 |
5/14/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance annexing and zoning 2.098 acres of land located at 320 East Howze Beach Road, from Parish HC-3 (Highway Commercial) to City C-4 (Highway Commercial), as petitioned by ECO Properties, LLC, represented by its authorized member James A. Carter. |
19-04-3267 |
5/14/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 15 Floods, Section 15-24 Definitions. |
19-04-3268 |
5/14/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance to properly fix the immovable property boundaries between Lots 3 and 4, Square 22, Town of Slidell, St. Tammany Parish and to record same into the land records of the Clerk of Court, St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana |
19-04-3269 |
5/14/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 14 Fire Prevention and Protection, by adding new sections. |
19-03-3260 |
5/28/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance for the City of Slidell which shall set forth and designate the adjusted millage rates as required by Paragraph B of Section 23, Article VII of the Constitution of Louisiana, for the purpose of maintenance and operation of the Police Department, Garbage Collection, Sewer System, Public Works, General Government, as well as providing for the payment of interest and principal on outstanding general obligation bonds, in said City for the fiscal year 2020. |
19-03-3261 |
5/28/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | The City of Slidell Revenue, Expense, and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2019-2020.Amended by 3960 & 3993 |
19-03-3262 |
5/28/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2, Administration, Section 2-157, Compensation, Mayor |
19-03-3263 |
5/28/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2, Administration, Section 2-157, Compensation, Police Chief |
19-03-3264 |
5/28/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2, Administration, Section 2-157, Compensation, Council Members |
19-04-3270 |
5/28/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A- Zoning, Part 7. Board of Adjustment, Section 7.2. Powers of the board, by adding language giving authority to the City Planning Director to approve setback encroachments created as a result of elevating residential structures. |
19-05-3271 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute a five (5) year extension of the Time Contract for the collection and transportation of garbage or trash and the collection, processing, and marketing of recyclables, within the territorial limits of the City of Slidell. (FIRST AMENDMENT to Ord. 3727, 2014) |
19-05-3272 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance establishing a new permanent classified position in the Recreation Department entitled Assistant Director of Keep Slidell Beautiful and approving the job description and setting the pay grade for same |
19-05-3273 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3887, revising the Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2018-2019 (first supplemental budget), providing for supplemental appropriations, additional revenues and matters in connection therewith. |
19-05-3274 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3776, the Unclassified Pay Plan for City of Slidell, Deputy Chief of Staff |
19-05-3275 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3776, the Unclassified Pay Plan for City of Slidell, Ombudsperson. |
19-05-3276 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3775, the Classified Pay Plan for the City of Slidell. |
19-05-3277 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance to rescind Ordinance Number 3924, adopted on February 26, 2019, granting franchise rights to ATMOS Entergy. |
19-05-3278 |
6/11/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | Ordinance of the Municipality of Slidell, Louisiana, granting to Atmos energy corporation (a Texas and Virginia corporation with its principal office in the municipality of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas) and its successors and assigns the franchise and rights to conduct in such municipality the business of acquiring, maintaining, constructing, laying, repairing, removing, replacing, installing, operating, and disposing of a gas system for the sale, transportation, and distribution of natural gas within and beyond the municipal boundaries of the municipality and to the residents and businesses located therein for light, heat, power, and any other purposes and the right to use the present and future streets, roads, highways, alleys, bridges, public ways, and immovable property in such municipality and owned or controlled by such municipality for such purposes; prescribing the terms and conditions to which such franchise and rights are subject; and prescribing the term of such franchise and rights. |
19-05-3279 |
6/25/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 23 Waste, relative to collection fees. |
19-05-3280 |
6/25/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 21 Personnel, Sec. 21-21 Medical and Dental Insurance. |
10-05-3281 |
6/25/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 2 Administration, Division 2. Organizational Plan, Sec. 2-96. |
19-05-3282 |
6/25/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3776, the Unclassified Pay Plan for City of Slidell to amend the job description for the City Engineer. |
19-05-3283 |
6/25/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance establishing a new Unclassified Salary Structure for the City of Slidell for FY 2020. |
19-05-3284 |
6/25/19 | KH/BBbrAdmin | An ordinance amending Ordinance 3776, Unclassified Pay Plan for the City of Slidell, adopted June 9, 2015. |
19-06-3286 |
7/23/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A Zoning, Part 2. Schedule of District Regulations Adopted |
19-07-3287 |
8/13/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 1, General Provisions, Section 1-12, General Penalty, excluding Chapters 11 and 27, relative to specific penalties for Code violations thereof. |
19-08-3288 |
9/10/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance of the Slidell City Council authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Act of Cash Sale with reservation of drainage servitude, conveying a 22.5 foot strip of land to NLA Slidell, LLC, less and except the Lakewood Ditch #1A underground drainage improvements. |
19-08-3290 |
9/10/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance annexing and zoning a 0.995 acre of land located at 1515 McKinney Road, from Parish HC-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial, as petitioned by Chad and Joleen Samrow |
19-08-3291 |
9/10/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix B- Subdivision Regulations, Part 3. Standards of Design. |
19-08-3292 |
9/10/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to acquire real property on Airport Road, Slidell, Louisiana, consisting of approximately +/- 400 acres for the purpose of creating a recreational facilities complex and to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement |
19-08-3289 |
9/24/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance granting a franchise to Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“cooperative”), its successors and assigns, for a period of thirty (30) years for the construction, maintenance and operation of electric utilities, electric generating facilities and/or transmission and distribution systems in, through and across the City of Slidell, Louisiana (“municipality”), and for the use of the streets, alleys and public places of said municipality, in connection therewith, for the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electric energy, fixing the terms, considerations and limitations thereof and providing for payment by cooperative (its successors and assigns) of a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the amounts received by said cooperative for the sale and/or delivery of kilowatt hours of electric energy at retail for residential and commercial purposes based on residential and commercial net rates (unbundled rates in the event of deregulation) billed for service within the limits of said municipality (exclusive of taxes and all governmental fees and impositions shown on such bills), subject to the reimbursement to the cooperative of the amount of the upfront franchise fee paid in connection with the contract, by the cooperative’s retention of one percent (1%) of the five percent (5%) franchise fee referenced herein (20% of the total 5%) until such time that the full amount of the upfront franchise fee is reimbursed and repaid to the cooperative. as said limits may now or hereafter lawfully exist, and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith. |
19-08-3293 |
9/24/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending Ord. 3934, revising the Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 (first supplemental budget), providing for supplemental appropriations, additional revenues and matters in connection therewith. |
19-09-3294 |
10/8/19 | BB/WCbrAdmin | An ordinance annexing and zoning Lots 2 and 3 of Segari Addition located on Indiana Avenue, from Parish A-4 Single-family Residential District to City A-6 Single-family Residential District, as petitioned by Richard M. Steadman, Jr. and Cheryl Steadman |
19-09-3295 |
10/8/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance annexing and zoning 0.275 acre of land adjacent to 1935 Gause Blvd. East, from Parish HC-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial, as petitioned by Pet Care Center Realty, LLC, through its authorized representative Steven Slaton. |
19-10-3300 |
11/12/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 27 Traffic and Vehicles, Sec. 27-181(c). Mona Lisa Moon Pie Parade |
19-10-3301 |
11/12/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending and supplementing the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A, Zoning, Section 9, Definitions; and Section 2 Schedule of District Regulations. |
19-10-3302 |
11/12/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Chapter 14 Fire Prevention and Protection; Section 14-35 Fireworks, by replacing same in its entirety; and modifying Appendix A, Zoning Section 2.18, C-4 Highway Commercial, Section 2.1801, Permitted Uses. |
19-10-3303 |
11/12/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A, Part 2, Section 2.2502, Land Clearing or Protected Tree Removal Permit Required, providing additional consideration of necessity to remove trees too close to a building’s foundation. |
19-10-3305 |
11/26/19 | BB | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix C Rules of Procedure, to provide for changes in Chapter 6 Agenda, Section 6.5 Order of business. |
19-11-3306 |
12/17/19 | BB/KTbrAdmin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A – Zoning, Part 2 – Schedule of District Regulations Adopted by adding Section 2.16C – C-2W Waterfront Mixed Use District; and by adding definitions to Chapter 15 Floods, and Appendix A – Zoning, Part 9 Definitions. |

City of Slidell Municipal Airport Announces Super Bowl LIX...January 28, 2025 - 5:58 pm
Section of Bonfouca Drive to Close Saturday, Feb. 8 for...February 6, 2025 - 4:48 pm
Keep Slidell Beautiful hosts annual Tree Giveaway on Saturday,...May 18, 2020 - 9:13 pm
Slidell City Council Meeting InfoMay 22, 2020 - 8:00 pm
5/26/20 COVID-19 Update 15 – City Offices Reopen to the...May 26, 2020 - 1:24 pm
City of Slidell Municipal Airport Announces Super Bowl LIX...January 28, 2025 - 5:58 pm
Section of Bonfouca Drive to Close Saturday, Feb. 8 for...February 6, 2025 - 4:48 pm
Cindy Strecker Selected as Arts Evening 2025 Poster Art...January 30, 2025 - 2:29 pm
Slidell’s 2025 Parade ScheduleJanuary 21, 2025 - 2:05 pm
annual tree giveaway
Artists of the Year Exhibit
Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Zoning Adjustment. bza
boil water advisory
Boys and Girls Club
Christmas Event
Christmas on Front St.
Christmas Under the Stars
city council
city council meeting
city office closures
Community Development Block Grant
community prayer breakfast
Historic Preservation
Keep Slidell Beautiful
Louisiana Main Street Recovery Program
mardi gras
Mayor's Community Prayer Breakfast
Olde Towne
Olde Towne Preservation District Commission
planning and zoning
planning and zoning commissions
planning and zoning commisssion
Slidell Art League
Slidell Bayou Christmas
Slidell City Council
Slidell City Council Meeting
Slidell Development
Slidell Development Ready Community Town Hall Meeting
state of the city address
town hall meeting
tree giveaway
zoning adjustments
Contact Information
City Hall
2055 Second Street
Slidell, LA 70458
Phone: (985) 646-4332
City Council
2045 Second Street
Slidell, LA 70458
Phone: (985) 646-4307
Slidell Police Department
2112 Sgt Alfred St
Slidell, LA 70458
Phone: 985-643-3131