1997 Ordinances |
96-12-1906 |
1/14/97 | RVS/BC
br |
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2710 which amends the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell Chapter 9 Criminal Code to provide an exemption for the removal of alcoholic beverages from premises licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption by-the-drink during bonafide parades and other activities licensed by the City of Slidell. | |
96-12-1907 |
1/28/97 | ML/BC | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Appendix A-Zoning, Section 526 to permit off-premise signs for banks in C-3 zoning designation (Central Business District). | |
96-12-1908 |
1/28/97 | ML/BC
bbr Admin |
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to execute a donation of the sewer plant located at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund site on Bayou Lane, Slidell, Louisiana, to Environmental Services Commission of St. Tammany Parish). | |
97-01-1911 |
2/5/97 | BC/PW | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2671, The Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 1996-97, to provide for one (1) additional Police Clerk and matters in connection therewith. | |
97-01-1909 |
2/25/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance providing for the issuance of not exceeding $3,900,000 of Utilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A, of the City of Slidell, State of Louisiana; authorizing the execution of a Loan and Pledge Agreement with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality | |
97-01-1910 |
2/25/97 | ML/BC
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance annexing and zoning approximately 41,074 sq. ft. of property located in Lot 5, Square 25, Pearl Acres Subdivision, from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Rose Mary Wessel, Administratrix for the Estate of Amelia Kaiser Wessel. | |
97-01-1914 |
2/25/97 | BC/LW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning 1.21 acres of land in part of Plot “F”, Kingspoint Subdivision, Section 5, from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Don A. McMath, Louis G. Miramon, Jr., Francis X. Gomila, Jimmy Morrison, John P. Cottingham and Gary Singletary. | |
97-01-1912 |
2/25/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance amending Chapter 3 Alcoholic Beverage Control of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to exclude tax-exempt establishments with 501 (c)(19) tax designations from the location restrictions therein. | |
97-01-1913 |
2/25/97 | BC/LW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning 1.16 acres of property, part of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, and Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in Square 1 of Central Park Subdivision, Section B, and part of Algiers Avenue from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Johnny F. Smith | |
97-02-1915 |
3/25/97 | BC/LW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning one acre of property in Lake Gardens Subdivision from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Eugenia Byrd. | |
97-02-1916 |
3/25/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance renaming Marina Drive to Marina Circle. | |
97-02-1917 |
3/25/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance rezoning 11.3 acres of property from A-6 Single Family Residential to A-7 Multifamily Urban zoning designation, as petitioned by Sabre Development Company, L.L.C. | |
97-02-1918 |
3/25/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance amending Appendix A-Zoning, Section 2.18 C-4 Highway Commercial of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to control the construction of mini-warehouses in commercial districts. | |
97-02-1920 |
3/25/97 | BC/PW | The Supplemental Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 1996-97. | |
97-02-1921 |
3/25/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance amending Chapter 7 Buildings of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to permit Louisiana Licensed Engineers or Architects to approve elevation certificates. | |
97-02-1922 |
3/25/97 | BC/BLbbr Admin | An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to acquire real property at 1234 St. Christopher Drive, Slidell, Louisiana. | |
97-02-1924 |
4/8/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance amending a lease of Slidell Airport property to Dr. Louis Provenza. | |
97-02-1926 |
4/8/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to execute a lease for certain real property at the Slidell Airport with Johnny Smith and Louis Provenza. | |
97-03-1927 |
4/22/97 | BC/PW, bbr Admin. | An ordinance amending Chapter 7 Buildings of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to provide for a change in reinspection fees. | |
97-03-1928 |
4/22/97 | BC/BL
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance annexing and zoning 13.66 acres of property situated in Section 34, Township 8 South, Range 14 East, and Section 3, Township 9 South, Range 14 East, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana from Parish SA Suburban Agriculture to City A-1 City Suburban Zoning Designation, as petitioned by the City of Slidell. | |
97-03-1929 |
4/22/97 | BC/RVS
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance rezoning 4.4780 acres of property situated in Section 44, Township 9 South, Range 14 East, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana from A-7 Multifamily Urban to A-6 Single Family Residential zoning designation, as petitioned by Johnny F. Smith, Reed Ingram, and Bay Ingram. | |
97-03-1935 |
4/22/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance for the City of Slidell which shall set forth and designate the revised millage rates due to reassessment by the St. Tammany Parish Tax Assessor as required by Paragraph B of Section 23, Article VII of the Constitution of Louisiana, for the purpose of maintenance and operation of the Police Department, Garbage Collection, Sewer System, Public Works, General Government, as well as providing for the payment of interest and principal on outstanding general obligation bonds, in said City for the fiscal year 1998. | |
97-02-1919 |
4/22/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin. | An ordinance authorizing two-way street designation for Cousin Street between Front Street and Sgt. Alfred Drive. | |
97-03-1930 |
5/13/97 | BC/PW, bbr Admin. | An ordinance amending Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to create an open land district and establish regulations to protect the open character of the district. | |
97-03-1931 |
5/13/97 | BC/PW | The Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 1997-98. | |
97-03-1933 |
5/13/97 | BC/PW, bbr Admin. | An ordinance amending Chapter 2 Administration, Article XI. Organizational Plan for City Government of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to provide for revisions in the Department of Engineering and for the establishment of the Department of Public Operations. | |
97-04-1936 |
5/13/97 | BC/PW, bbr Admin. | An ordinance declaring certain property of the City of Slidell surplus and setting the method of disposing of same. | |
97-04-1937 |
5/13/97 | BC/PW, bbr Admin. | An ordinance declaring certain property of the City of Slidell surplus and setting the method of disposing of same. | |
97-04-1938 |
5/13/97 | LW/BC, br | An ordinance amending Chapter 3 Alcoholic Beverage Control of the Code of Ordinances of the City Slidell to amend the location prohibition of 300′ (three hundred feet) from churches, synagogues, libraries, playgrounds, or schools. | |
97-02-1923 |
5/27/97 | MM/BC
bb request |
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to enter into an Inter-Governmental Agreement with St. Tammany Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 3 to provide adequate drainage for the citizens of the City of Slidell, Louisiana | |
97-04-1939 |
5/27/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2581 authorizing a lease of certain city-owned property to Jack’s Nursery on Robert Boulevard. | |
97-04-1940 |
5/27/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Slidell and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) for State Project No. 562-52-0026. | |
97-04-1941 |
5/27/97 | BC/PW | An ordinance establishing and setting salaries for elected officials for the City of Slidell. | |
97-03-1942 |
6/10/97 | BC/BL | An ordinance officially revoking a portion of Grape Street located between Pine Street and Walnut Street in Northside Subdivision | |
97-05-1944 |
6/10/97 | BC/RVS
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance annexing and zoning 4.287 acres of property from Parish SA Suburban Agriculture to City C-2 Neighborhood Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Slidell Memorial Hospital. | |
97-05-1945 |
6/10/97 | BC/RVS
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance annexing and zoning 6.6397 acres of property from Parish SA Suburban Agriculture to City C-2 Neighborhood Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Slidell Memorial Hospital. | |
97-05-1946 |
6/10/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance annexing and zoning 3.7 acres of property from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Laxmi Hotel Corporation. | |
97-05-1947 |
6/10/97 | BC/ML
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance annexing and zoning 0.3192 acres of property from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Conner. | |
97-05-1948 |
6/10/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning Lots 1 and 2, Lake Gardens Subdivision from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aleman. | |
97-05-1949 |
6/10/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin. | The adjusted Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 1996-97. | |
97-05-1932 |
6/24/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin. | An ordinance amending Chapter 7 Buildings of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to eliminate the requirement for contractors’ public liability insurance. | |
97-05-1950 |
6/24/97 | BC/BL
bbr Admin. |
An ordinance annexing and zoning one acre of property from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Exxon Corporation. | |
97-05-1951 |
6/24/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin. | An ordinance amending Appendix A Zoning of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell to eliminate automobile wrecker service storage yards as a conditional use. | |
97-05-1952 |
6/24/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance amending Chapter 8 Civil Defense by adding Section 8-6 Disaster Medical Assistance Units. | |
97-05-1953 |
7/22/97 | AS/BCbr | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 2 Administration of the City of Slidell to provide for an inventory of immovable property | |
97-06-1954 |
7/22/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning Lot 1, Square 5, Lot 8, Square 3, and the closed portion of Erb Street, Lake Gardens Subdivision, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, from C-2 Parish Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Enterprise Leasing Company of New Orleans, LA. | |
97-06-1955 |
7/22/97 | BC/ML
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning Lots 1-6, Pearl Acres Subdivision, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Investment Realty Associates, Inc | |
97-07-1956 |
8/26/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance rezoning 3.9237 acres of property situated in Section 35, Township 8 South, Range 14 East, 8th Ward, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, from A-2 Single Family and A-6 Single Family Urban to PUD zoning designation, as petitioned by Henry J. Burch and L. B. Edelman. | |
97-07-1957 |
8/26/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance granting Central Louisiana Electric Co. (CLECO) a servitude at the new Slidell City Court construction site. | |
97-07-1958 |
8/26/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a donation from Slidell Memorial Hospital for one ambulance vehicle to be used by the Slidell Police Department. | |
97-07-1959 |
8/26/97 | BC./PWbbr Admin | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell Chapter 2 Administration, Article III Municipal Employees= Retirement System to provide for amendments in the Louisiana Revised Statutes as they pertain to members of the Slidell City Court system. | |
97-07-1960 |
8/26/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance authorizing preliminary approval for the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Edgewood Village. | |
97-08-1961 |
9/9/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to execute the Amendment to Act of Onerous Donation allowing Sizeler an extension of twelve (12) additional months within which to secure the approval of the expansion of the Dillard Department Store at the North Shore Square Mall in Slidell, La | |
97-08-1962 |
9/23/97 | BC/ML | An ordinance renaming Seminole Street to Jaguar Drive near Pope John Paul II High School. | |
97-08-1963 |
9/23/97 | BC/ML
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning a portion of Lot 4, Square 25, Pearl Acres Subdivision, from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Edwards. | |
97-08-1964 |
9/23/97 | BC/PW | An ordinance amending Chapter 12 Motor Vehicle and Traffic of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell, Article V. Operational Requirements for Wrecker Companies to provide housekeeping amendments requested by the Chief of Police. | |
97-09-1965 |
10/14/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance amending Ordinance 1844 which established the Suncrest Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for construction of decks and patios, and the installation of satellite dishes and portable swimming pools or hot tubs. | |
97-09-1966 |
10/14/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance authorizing final approval for the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Edgewood Village | |
97-09-1967 |
10/28/97 | BC/BL
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning Lot Y, Section 37, Township 8 South, Range 14 East, St. Tammany Parish from Parish R (Rural) to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation as petitioned by The Fisk Corporation. | |
97-09-1968 |
10/28/97 | BC/BL
bbr Admin |
An ordinance annexing and zoning Lot V-1, Section 37, Township 8 South, Range 14 East, St. Tammany Parish from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-6 Regional Shopping Center zoning designation as petitioned by The Fisk Corporation. | |
97-09-1969 |
10/28/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance authorizing an extension of the lease agreement at the Slidell Airport between the Mosquito Abatement District and the City of Slidell. | |
97-10-1971 |
11/11/97 | BC/PW | The Supplemental Revenue, Expense and Capital Budget for fiscal year 1997-98. | |
97-10-1972 |
11/25/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance annexing and zoning Lots 15, 16, 17, Square 29, Beach View Subdivision, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, from the Parish to City A-6 Single Family Residential zoning designation, as petitioned by Mr. Darnell Dupuy and Ms. Chrishelle Duncan. | |
97-10-1973 |
11/25/97 | BC/BLbbr Admin | An ordinance annexing and zoning 38.15 acres of property located in Section 4, Township 9 South, Range 14 East, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, from Parish C-2 Highway Commercial to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Honaker Funeral Homes and Cemeteries, Inc. | |
97-10-1974 |
11/25/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance annexing and zoning 30.634 acres of property located in Section 44, Township 9 South, Range 14 East, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, from Parish Suburban Agriculture to City C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Picayune Properties, Inc. | |
97-10-1975 |
11/25/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance annexing and zoning 25.14 acres of property located in Section 44, Township 9 South, Range 14 East, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana from Parish into the City, as petitioned by Picayune Properties, Inc. | |
97-10-1976 |
11/25/97 | BC/BL
bbr Admin |
An ordinance revoking Old Mandeville-Slidell Highway, Bellevue Avenue or Sixth Street, The Boulevard, and Unnamed Road referred to as Old Ford Road, Town of Liberty Subdivision Plat. | |
97-11-1978 |
12/09/97 | BC/PWbbr Admin | An ordinance amending Chapter 4 Animals and Fowl of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Slidell. | |
97-11-1979 |
12/16/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance rezoning Lots 14-16, Square 4, Pine Crest Subdivision, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, from A-6 Single Family residential to C-4 Highway Commercial zoning designation, as petitioned by Lois O. Carollo. | |
97-11-1981 |
12/16/97 | BC/PW
bbr Admin |
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Slidell to execute a Lease Agreement with Outdoor Systems, Inc. for the purposes of maintaining an outdoor sign on property owned by the City of Slidell. | |
“br” (by request)“bbr Admin” (both by request of Administration)
Council Members: Lionel Washington, Bob Callahan, Richard Van Sandt, Belinda Levy, Marti Livaudais, Mike Molbert, Pearl Williams |