Frequently Asked Questions
Where do you pay City taxes?
City property taxes are collected by the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office.
For more information contact:
St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Tax Office
300 Brownswitch
(985) 646-4100
STOSO Website
Does the City of Slidell reduce City utility fees for Senior Citizens?
Yes, certain fees are reduced for Senior Citizens.
For more information contact:
Finance Department (985) 646-4309
Can an RV, boat or trailer be parked in front of your house?
No. In residential zones it is not permissible to park a recreational vehicle, boat or trailer in front of a house unless certain conditions are met.
For more information contact:
Permits Department (985) 646-4323
What is the law about inoperable vehicles?
Inoperable vehicles are not permitted unless they are behind a fence or in a garage or have a current inspection sticker.
For more information contact:
Permits Department (985) 646-4323
Can the City force a resident to cut the grass and clean up his/her yard?
Yes. The City law prohibits grass exceeding 12 inches.
For more information contact:
Permits Department (985) 646-4323
Is there a law about dogs barking all night?
Yes. If a dog barks continuously longer than 15 minutes, it is a violation of our code.
For more information contact:
Animal Control (985) 646-4267
What is the law about owning a vicious dog?
A dog is considered vicious if it is determined to have bitten twice. He must then be destroyed. The law also provides for kennel requirements for certain vicious breeds of dogs.
For more information contact:
Animal Control (985) 646-4267
What is the law about loud music at lounges near residential homes?
There is a dBA limit for lounges at different times of the day.
For more information contact:
Permits Department (985) 646-4323
Is selling door-to-door allowed in the City of Slidell?
No. Door-to-door solicitation is strictly prohibited except for bonafide civil rights organizations.
For more information contact:
Permits Department (985) 646-4323
What are the zoning laws for the City of Slidell?
Contact the Planning Department at (985) 646-4320.
What are the steps to apply for a building permit?
Contact the Department of Building Safety at (985) 646-4323.
What are the steps to apply for an alcohol permit?
Pick up an application from the City’s Finance Department at 2045 Street.
For more information contact:
Finance Department (985) 646-4309
How do you apply for an occupational license?
Occupational licenses are obtained in the Finance Department, 2045 Second Street, 2nd Floor
For more information contact:
Finance Department (985) 646-4310
Can non-profit organizations use City meeting rooms?
Yes, non-profit groups can use certain public buildings for meetings.
For more information contact:
Karen McQueen (985) 646-4329
What types of signs are permitted on businesses?
See our Sign Regulations in our Code of Ordinances for complete details.
For more information contact:
Planning Department (985) 646-4320
What is the law about hanging a banner outside of a business?
Businesses are allowed to have two banners per year, not to exceed 90 days in duration per calendar year.
For more information contact:
Planning Department (985) 646-4320
What are the qualifications to become a City Council Member?
A Council Member shall be at least 21 years of age and reside within the City for at least 1 year, and where applicable, within the district from which elected for a least 6 consecutive months, and be a registered voter.
For more information contact:
Slidell City Council Office (985) 646-4307
What are the terms of office for the Slidell City Council Members and when do they expire?
Council Members are elected every four years. The current term expires June 30, 2014.
For more information contact:
Slidell City Council (985) 646-4307
When and where are City Council Meetings held?
The Slidell City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m., in the Slidell City Council and Administrative Center, 2045 Second Street, 3rd Floor.
For more information contact:
Slidell City Council Office (985) 646-4307
When does the Agenda close for City Council Meetings, and how can the public get a copy of the Agenda?
The Agenda Closing deadline is 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Tuesday meeting. Copies of the Agenda can be picked up at the City Council Office on the Monday preceding the Tuesday meeting, or can be viewed/printed from the Internet.
For more information contact:
Slidell City Council Office (985) 646-4307
When is the Budget for the City adopted?
Annual budgets are adopted in May of each year.
For more information contact:
Slidell City Council Office (985) 646-4307