In preparation for the Krewe de Paws dog parade on Saturday, Feb. 11, streets in Olde Towne Slidell will start closing at 7:30 a.m. (view the map to see which streets will be closed.) Once bollards are in place, any vehicle that is inside the perimeter of the safety zone will not be able to exit Olde Towne until after 1 p.m., when the bollards are removed. Once bollards are in place, no vehicles will be able to enter or leave the safety zone in Olde Towne.
This year’s theme is “Back in the Saddle” and Payton Malone with WWL-TV and Axle will serve as the grand marshals!
The Krewe de Paws was founded in 2009. The four-legged members of the Krewe parade in costume riding in wagons, strollers and shopping carts, pushed by their two-legged owners. Non-marching dogs are welcome along the route as well. The goal of the Krewe of Paws is to have a lot of fun, bring attention to Historic Olde Towne Slidell, and to raise money for a number of worthwhile animal assistance groups.