Want to win a White Linen and Lagniappe poster signed by artist Keith Dellsperger? Participate in our digital scavenger hunt!
Head over to Google Maps and search Olde Towne Slidell for the five White Linen and Lagniappe posters perched on an easel and scattered throughout Olde Towne.
When you find all five posters, email the locations to Alex Carollo at acarollo@cityofslidell.org.
Make sure you select street view in Google Maps and change the date to July 2022 in the top left corner to be able to see the most current images with the posters.
The first five people to email the correct answers will win a signed poster!
The City of Slidell purchased the camera and equipment to keep Google Map images of Slidell updated regularly.
“In the midst of hurricane season, the City of Slidell is taking proactive measures to ensure that any storm related damages to our infrastructure is properly documented by taking before and after images of our streets and sidewalks,” said Blaine Clancy, City Engineer. “The images taken before a storm event will ensure that the City is properly reimbursed for any repairs that need to be made as a result of a major event.”
Head over to Google Maps and get started. Good luck!