In preparation for Chief Fandal’s Wild Game Cook-Off on Saturday, Oct. 1, several streets in Olde Towne Slidell will start closing at 2 a.m. and start reopening at 6 p.m.
Closed streets include:
- Carey Street from Front to Robert
- First Street from Robert to Cousin
- Cousin Street from Front to Second
Once bollards are in place, any vehicle that is inside the perimeter of the safety zone will not be able to exit Olde Towne until after 6 p.m., when the event ends and bollards are removed. This is for public safety and allows cooks, vendors and entertainment to start setting up safely inside the safety zone. “Special Event No Parking” signs are placed throughout Olde Towne.
Once the bollards are in place, no vehicles will be able to enter or leave the safety zone in Olde Towne, so please don’t park or leave vehicles in Olde Towne after 2 a.m.